Feb 12, 2016 Probate Administration Blog

We’re finding more and more cases where instruments, be it wills or trusts, are being drafted in such a way that the real intent of the person is not reflected. Also, assumptions by siblings that “everybody knows” how things will go, fly out the window once one relative finds out that maybe there was more money to be had than they’d thought. You MUST draft instruments CAREFULLY, so that there is no question as to how things should proceed, and who gets what, when, etc. Just recently a will was shown to us that, if read strictly, would mean 6 out of 8 children might get nothing- NEVER the intention of the mother. Trusts are being drafted that list ½ of property being in it; but deeds filed contradict it. This area of probate REQUIRES expertise, precision, and understanding. Don’t wait until it’s too late! Your inheritance may be at stake, or that of your children. Make sure to call, get a free consultation, and get your questions answered.