Legal News: Practicing Self-Defense in our later years...

As we get older, we don't like to think that our safety could be at risk. Unfortunately, self-defense for a younger person is much different than self-defense for a senior.

Every year seniors are the victim of non-violent crimes including purse snatching and larceny. Lots of criminals believe that seniors are easier targets because they are vulnerable.

This is why it is vital that you know what criminals are looking for and tactics you can use to protect yourself.


1) Don't overfill your arms with packages or shopping bags. Make multiple trips to your car or use a cart to help you.

2) Park your car in an area that is well lit. This will reduce the likelihood that you will be mugged at night.

3) Before leaving your car, observe your surroundings and make note of places that you could go if someone were to approach you.

4) Walk with purpose. Don't look at the ground, but instead, keep your head up.

5) Keep a flashlight (or use your flashlight on your phone) and key whistle on your keychain and keep your keys in your hand when walking.

6) Never put your purse strap around your neck and don't carry more cash than necessary in your purse. If you have a cell phone, keep it handy as well and know how to dial 911 quickly.

7) If you have to carry a wallet with you, buy a travel wallet and attach it to your waistband or wear it underneath your clothing.

8) Never open the door to your home to a stranger. Look through a window and if necessary, speak to the stranger through a window.


1) Dodge your assailant. If someone tries to hit you, try to move from side to side to keep them from landing a blow. If you are upright run as quickly as you can to a well-lit area or a place where other people are present such as a store.

2) Don't let a person back you into a wall or up against a big object. If this happens, it may be difficult for you to escape.

3) If an assailant grabs you from behind, try not to struggle. Instead, lean against your attacker and throw your head back as hard as you can. This will cause your attacker to stumble.

Be aware, and be prepared to defend yourself.