Legal News: Safeguard Your Original Will

Lately I've been doing Zoom with relatives since they are getting on in age. I spent the last few days talking with relatives about life in general and the "good ole days". Somehow the discussion over Wills and Trusts came up.

Found out one of my aunts couldn't locate her will to save her life. She tore the house apart (and cleaned closets in between) throwing stuff out and finally gave up.

She remembered her lawyers name and called information to get his number. Disconnected. Come to find out they lawyer had passed away. 

Days later she did find the will she was so desperate to find. In bold letters across the top of her copy was the words, "Original Copy with the Probate Attorney". 

Please, if you do nothing else, do not give the original copy of your will to the lawyer who handled your will document. This Orginal should be kept with the executor of the estate. Don't make the same mistake.

Call Alexander Matulewicz at 508-660-0331 for more information. He'll know what to do.