Legal News: When should parents tell their kids about their End-of-Life Plans?

Excerpts taken from AARP Bulletin dated April 2020.

My spouse and I are preparing our advance medical directives so our kids don't have to make decisions for us. One of the directives is whether we'd like palliative care or hospice care. What's the difference?

Both stress comfort and quality of life in managing life-threatening illness. The difference is that you can get palliative care while you're still pursuing treatment. Hospice is a type of palliative care, usually for those with life expectancy of six months or less. Private insurance, Medicare and Medicaid may cover hospice. Be sure to discuss your wishes with your family as well as putting them in writing. 

Preparing ahead of time is key. Think about calling Alex Matulewicz, a probate attorney with expertise in Wills, Trusts, Power of Attorney, Healthcare Proxy, at 508-660-0331. Make plans now. Tomorrow may be too late.