July 20, 2018 Office News

One of the reasons why this office focuses on probate administration, wills and trusts, and estate planning was given by recent events.

Because the client was referred by someone who had used this office 15 years ago, and was promoting us to their friend, we agree to take on a divorce modification trial.

Most trials are arduous, and those involving divorce even more so. The world has changed RIGHT BEFORE my eyes, and behavior of the parties seems completely irrelevant (all I can think of is the man who while still married, fathered two children while the divorce was pending from the PCA worker who had worked alongside the wife helping care for the family's severely handicapped son. Contempts would be filed citing dozens and dozens of violations of court orders-without any action. The man, without blinking, expected all assets to be divided 50/50).

Divorce is now seen as an action of breach of contract and the judges will repeatedly remark "Counsel, it all comes down to money."

People need to be aware of that. Many hope there would be some kind of moral court - where often the stories are told and the judge would say "You-are bad" (them) "You are good." (themselves).

The emotions involved magnify everything and make you earn a PhD in Psychology in having to steer the client through it all.

Been there. Done that. Never say never, but our message is "If someone dies, better call Al...he knows what to do". There's a different set of emotions that flare, enough that my clients tell me I have a PhD in soap opera. But is it less stressful and rarely as litigious as domestic work.