October 16, 2018 Office News

Some lawyers you hear say practicing law would be great if you don't have to deal with clients. Others say it would be great if you didn't have to deal with lawyers.

This office accepts the challenge of the fact that lawyers are what they are. We just don't want to be like them. We actually RETURN calls within 24 hours at the latest; we don't charge for phone calls; and we recognize that, to the client, their case is the most important case going.

Clients are people with problems. That they have a legal problem is why they're here. Usually there's a personal problem lying underneath that; and some emotional issues behind that. We recognize that and find most of our intention with clients is dealing with providing reality therapy to help them force and deal with the crisis that brings them here.

The emotional baggage we have to help lift off of clients and the legal baggage lawyers sometimes create is why we are saying my work here is the fulfillment of a calling, not a business. BEWARE of those attorneys who think law is a business. It may be for THEM, but it NEVER is for the client.