You have to make sure you've obtained counsel that follows through. What if your father died 20 years ago, and the will was probated, but now looking to do your own will, you find that the property is still in your father's name? These things are...
You have to make sure you've obtained counsel that follows through. What if your father died 20 years ago, and the will was probated, but now looking to do your own will, you find that the property is still in your father's name? These things are...
There is something very unique about probate administration law practice. It's because of the nature of the work. You're dealing with people making plans for their passing, or assisting families in straightening out the situation created by the death...
Yesterday there was discussion with a client about a trust, or whether something simpler could be used. Husband was concerned that, upon death, wife would have assets but be too unsophisticated, and in a reduced capacity, to handle them. The answer...
The office is making outreach to various groups, client bases and organizations to make our probate administration services available on a broad scale. My own CPA has agreed to pass on a notice posted in the Lawyer's Weekly Newspaper highlighting...
People don't know that ignoring something doesn't make it go away. A family may have had parents, who die, leaving siblings. Now one wants to sell the house, get some money. Did you know you're going to have to probate two estates to...
The prime reason to utilize an attorney in probate matters is because the protocol and procedure is just complicated enough to require one. In Florida, e.g. you can't probate an estate without an attorney. Some states, like Arkansas, give the...
You would not believe how UNPREPARED families are to be on good ground to receive monies they were expecting when so and so passed on. The will they’re banking on is invalid. The decedent lives in another state. There’s been a CPA type guy...
Throughout this period of starting to focus on probate administration, and the instruments that go with it (health care proxy, wills, e.g.), there have been other cases within the office. The variety is what I have enjoyed. A claim against CVS for...
It is presently enjoyable to take this section and make the office blog section more "personalized". The office brochure says a unique name, a unique practice, a unique approach. So be it. Probate administration is something many lawyers would say...
Staff has done a form of "audit" - going to other probate lawyer, or firm sites - to see what they have; what kind of blog, if any. Kathy has been excited to find how much more this site posts then many. It's a "feature" of our...